prayPrayer Connections at Evangel

Prayer is the strength and foundation of the church. The purpose of the prayer ministry team is to actively encourage and promote prayer within the life of the church following God’s directive. It is through prayer that we speak directly to God and can petition him on our behalf, and on behalf of others (Phil. 4:6).

You can “get connected” in many different ways…

Prayer Chain

Calls come into the office, Prayer chains are contacted for immediate prayer.


Wednesday Prayer Connection

7-8 PM One hour prayer time with our Pastor. We pray for personal needs, the needs of our Church and school, our Community and nation.


Sunday After Service Prayer

Directly following service on the first Sunday of every month, we will be praying as a Church. We need to stand together as one body in Christ and because of this, Evangel will be praying together on Sunday afternoons.



For more information on how you can get involved in any of these areas of prayer, please call the church office and we’ll connect you with our Prayer Ministry Coordinator

Evangel Christian Center

Get in touch with us!