Mens Fellowship 


This ministry brings all the men in the church and community together for food fun and fellowship. Events include The Man Event, Superbowl party etc 



 Womens Fellowship


This ministry brings all the women in the church and community together for food fun and fellowship. Events include monthly breakfast, seminars, conferences and annual retreat 






Small Group Leaders

The heart of our church where everyone gets plugged in and connected, a small group leader or co-leader facilitates in a small group setting God’s word as well as other topics relevant to every day life


Support Group Leader


Support groups are designed for those who are struggling with the effects of dysfunction, abuse, addiction and loss. Group leaders must have completed program him/herself 






Prayer Chain 


When a need is made known calls are made through our prayer chain and prayer is offered on the spot 






Altar Prayer Workers


 A team of trained individuals who pray for those who respond to an altar call made by the Pastor.  Altar Prayer Workers are available during all services. 


Sunday AM Prayer 


This team meets at 9am on Sunday and prays that God will speak through the message and touch hearts to be open to his word 





Evangel Christian Center

Get in touch with us!